Not everybody can afford a fancy Stationery Package, Letterpress detailing and Monogrammed RSVP cards, printed onto the finest paper handmade by Tibetan monks. But the alternative doesn't have to be something which looks like it came from your local nursery during craft hour (unless your particularly talented in the craft department and can replicate 60+ homemade cards of excellent quality and appearance, in which case well done you).
Print Your Own stationery is the budget solution to personalised Wedding Stationery without the huge price tag. You take care of the printing, folding and mailing and you simply buy a customised digital template with all your personal details pre-loaded and ready to roll. Etsy has loads of stores which specialise in just this, of which mine is just a single straw in a very large haystack. Finding a design which suits you and your big day is the challenge, but well worth the hunt.
So I introduce you to VanillaRetro, my store, which designs with the retro bride in mind. Have a peek and if there are any designs which you like, get in touch and I'll be happy to help. Or if I'm not your style, there are loads of other Etsy stores which just might be.
Thanks for stopping by,
Vanilla R.